Judson Ministries

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The Lord continues to have me partnering with a local ministry. Revival is spreading in the slums of Yangon! Thousands have come to Christ; Buddhists, gangsters, prostitutes, loan sharks, drug addicts and many more. Expansion had been rapid where new believers are being discipled and taught how to multiply the church.

(Typical Neighborhood in the Area)

Food distribution to the throngs of starving people is such a blessing to the communities. Forty thousand tons of rice are given out in one kilo bags every month. With the factories leaving the area, virtually no jobs exist. High debt loans tied to gangsters run rampant and have severely affected countless families. The ministry has stepped in to help pay off debts and re-establish the lives of the locals. Out of this generosity combined with sharing the Good News, thousands have received Jesus and put their faith in Him.

(Making Soup for Distribution)

The local ministry has been working in the slums for ten years. There are sixty five staff members, 95% of whom are nationals, and hundreds of volunteers.

While most of the humanitarian and spiritual non-profits have departed and not returned, this ministry remains steadfast. Such a huge need exists, we are only able to help thousands where literally millions live.

(Receiving rice during a meeting)

Children are at the forefront of the ministry; these next generation little ones will help shape the future of the country. Abuse, trafficking, slave labor, abandonment and starvation challenges all of them. We have taken giant steps to improve their safety, nutritional needs, family and most importantly their knowledge of Christ, praise His name!

It is very exciting to play a small part in this great revival! Please pray with us that the Lord will continue to expand the Centers for the good of all of the open hearts, eagerly waiting to hear God’s Word.

“And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
Esther 4:14b