Judson Ministries

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Providing New Hope For
The Hearts and Souls of Southeast Asia

Providing New Hope For The Hearts and Souls of Southeast Asia

Thank you for visiting Judson Ministries!

Over 200 years ago, Adoniram Judson was used by God to help shine a bright Light across the land of Myanmar. Judson Ministries (JMI) has joined a revival movement in the poorest of poor areas. Doors are opening that have been closed for hundreds of years, and so many are responding to the Good News.

God has called me here to help out in any way possible, and continue the Judson legacy however He desires. There are many of you who are involved in deep prayer and financial support for “Misson Burma”, thank you! It serves as an incredible encouragement to joyfully participate in the lives of the Burmese every day.

Being established now for a year in the capital city, it’s amazing to experience the hunger the local people have for the Kingdom of Heaven. The local ministry I’m with is witnessing thousands coming to Christ, focusing on the Bamar people group. Just 1% have been evangelized, but the Lord is on the move! Leaders are saying the wave of the Spirit is unprecedented, with the Word of God penetrating unreached regions. It is for “such a time as this” that you can help by investing in the lives of these invaluable souls for eternity.

Please pray about participating, it would be a blessing to welcome you to the team!

The following videos give some flavor for what's happening

(Situation in the slums)

(Revival is happening!)

(Bringing educational opportunities to the poorest children)