(Your Financial Support helps with Church Expansion)
If the Holy Spirit is guiding you to become a financial partner to help change the lives of these wonderful people for eternity, we are blessed to have you join the Team!
Recurring gifts offer a stable platform so more focus can be on sharing the Good News.
For example, $25 per month will provide over one hundred fifty meals to the starving population in the slums each month.
One time donations are also greatly appreciated!
Larger gifts allow for expansion of the gospel into more areas by creating new centers of worship. This better facilitates evangelistic and discipling efforts.
There are 2 ways to give financially to support the ministry.
Step by Step online giving instructions:
1. Click the Giving Portal button below.
2. This will take you to the “Mission Dispatch Secure Giving” page. From here you two options: – Sign in if you are an existing user (your email is your user name) – Give Now
3. Choose one of these two options: – One Time – Recurring
4. Select Erik Judson from the “FUND” drop down selection.
NOTE: Ignore the “+ Add Donation” button.
5. Enter the amount you desire to donate.
Clicking the button below will take you to the Giving Portal. You will need to select your missionary from the drop down menu.
A check made out to “Mission Dispatch” with a note indicating you are supporting “Judson Ministries International”. This check can be mailed to:
Mission Dispatch PO Box 641 Edmonds, WA 98020-0641
The Mission Dispatch philosophy is to provide as much of your donated funds as possible to the actual mission work. They only charge 3% for processing contributions, whereas most other organizations charge 15% (or more).
“And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?”